A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success
Step One:
Needs Assessment
Charting your organization’s strategic future requires an unbiased assessment of current conditions as well as potential variables on the horizon. We take care of the legwork, allowing you to focus on what matters most.
Analyze your position
context matters
When planning for your strategic future, don’t skimp on the prep work. We conduct extensive research from credible sources relevant to your field, resulting in data-driven analyses you can use to inform your decisions.
Collect Qualitative Data
Quality Content
“One size fits all” survey methods never capture the full story. One-on-one phone interviews, custom emails, digital QR codes, secure online surveys–we adapt our methods of data capture to your specific set of stakeholders, ensuring authentic responses that you can actually use.
Tell your story
Details Beyond Data
A critical tool in organizational strategy, our data-based Needs Assessment document consists of a thorough narrative with supporting tables, charts, graphs, and citations. This resource provides a crucial touchstone of context for mission and vision-based planning.

A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success
Step Two:
Support Services
We offer a wide range of services to support your strategic planning endeavors. From the preparation and distribution of materials to the facilitation of planning meetings, we keep track of the details so you can focus on the big picture.
Meeting Facilitation
The presence of our third-party facilitator provides a fresh perspective that allows all stakeholders to participate equally in strategic planning without bias.
Market evaluation
We dig deep, utilizing Uniform Data System (UDS) mapper data to illustrate market penetration and uncover areas of need.
Note-taking/scribe services
Real-time digital notetaking by our staff frees your team from administrative burdens while ensuring that all ideas are recorded for future review.
Mission & Vision Statement Reimagining
Periodic review of mission and vision statements ensure that the messaging of your organization remains consistent and impactful.
Support Materials
Our team will create PowerPoint presentations, Google Slide decks, web pages, and email templates that tell your story.
SWOT Analysis
Assessing the internal factors that affect your business is an important piece of the strategic planning process.
PESTEL Analysis
Unlike the internal SWOT Analysis, this tool evaluates multiple external factors that impact your business.
We mind the details of your strategic planning process so actionable items don't get lost in the shuffle.
SMART Goal Setting
Progress does not occur without process. We provide the structure that grows strong, effective strategic plans.
We Have Great Answers
Ask Us Anything
We have worked with businesses in a variety of industries, including education, healthcare, professional services, and eCommerce as well as nonprofits including Community Health Centers and Federally-Qualified Health Centers.
Remember the old adage, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail?” It’s stuck around through the ages for a reason. While you may not be in an industry that requires a formal strategic plan to remain in compliance, committing your intentions for the future provides a framework for your company’s future.
Bringing in an unbiased third party to facilitate your strategic planning sessions offers multiple benefits. Besides relieving leadership from the demands of conducting key meetings, a facilitator monitors the engagement of stakeholders. They set the pace of the process, keeping attendees on track and focused. If participants struggle with a particular piece of the process or tempers flare, our facilitator will redirect and reapproach as needed.
No matter your industry, a thorough investigation of all pieces of your process is required before making long-term plans for the future. Our keen researchers delve into the data to uncover details regarding your competitors and their offerings, your customers and their habits, and emerging market trends. From that data, we craft a narrative that tells the story of your organization, painting pictures with charts, graphs, maps, and tables. This extensive tool provides the stable framework upon which future strategic planning decisions can be made.
Every project is unique, so we are unable to provide a cut-and-dried menu of services. However, we can promise that our custom approach allows for the most efficient, the most affordable, and the most effective suite of services you could ask for. We won’t sell you on things that you don’t need, and we’ll make sure that every service that we do offer provides value that you couldn’t get anywhere else.
We believe in real-time strategic planning, meaning that the resources we develop for your organization during the strategic planning process will remain relevant and useful on several levels. The Needs Assessment offers valuable insight for marketing campaigns, continuing education opportunities, and even grant applications. Mission and vision statements, public declarations of your organization’s intention and passion, are springboards for all types of internal and external actions. Strategy screens, built upon the M/V statements, assist leadership in evaluating potential opportunities. The formal strategic plan itself, beyond providing the framework for future growth, includes built-in KPIs to monitor progress.
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